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tv   Fox Morning News at 6  FOX  November 9, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EST

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trying not to fall off the fiscal cliff. >> lawmaker are prom iing to put aside differences to get the job -- lawmakers are promising to put aside differences to get the job done but time is running out. good morning. it is chilly but it will get better just in time for the weekend. i'm wisdom martin. >> i'm sarah simmons. recovery continues in new york and new jersey from last week's superstorm and now a
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nor'easter. some areas already hit hard by sandy are now digging out of record amounts of snowfall. because of the power problems brought on by the snow and high winds yesterday, gas rationing goes into effect in new york city and long island today. many gas stations do not have power to run the pumps. so still trying to clean up all these days later after that storm. >> they've seen it all. >> in the biggest area so to speak, new york and new jersey. >> it is rough. >> are they going to get a break. >> yeah, i mentioned a few minutes ago the weather pattern will do a flip. they won't be quite as warm as we are but all the snow will be melted in a couple of days. let's get to it and show you the storminess from yesterday is departed to the east. we are looking at a very quiet weather pat were here to start
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your day. ments a little chilly out there. temperatures overnight back into the 30s and low 40s from our region. definitely a jack the here to start your day. but later this afternoon, with bright sunshine, less wind and temperatures in the mid- to upper 50s, it should start to feel a lot better than it felt around here in days. we're still looking at this great weekend warm-up. we'll have more details in just a couple of minutes. 39 at reagan national. we lost four degree in the past hour. 38 out of dulles. 37 at bwi marshall. we're pretty much looking at our low temperatures here, i think. we should rebound into the mid- to upper 50s. we'll go 57 here in washington. 55 this afternoon in leonardtown. yesterday, north and west, we were in the 40s. today, we're back in the 50s. so a nice-looking day. >> yes, looks perfect. >> time now to check in with julie wright and see what is happening on the morning commute. >> let's start off with the crew in sky fox. they are joining us this morning hovering above centerville. you will find your lanes are open.
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no problems to report leaving manassas continuing in from business 234 headed over towards 29 and 2. so traffic volume increasing but again, no incidents in your way was you continue eastbound making your way out towards vienna. you will fine the beltway at speed traveling between annandale and merrifield. let's continue and show you what else is happening in virginia. northbound i-95 still an easy ride in the express lanes and the main line. southbound 270, one of the heaviest stretched of volume we find right now. new this morning, a prince george's county map is recovering after being burned when his home caught fire. take a look at this video. the blames broke out around 7:30 last night on northern avenue in glendale. nearly 60 firefighters were called out to the scene and it took about an hour to put out the fire.
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the victim, in his others, was taken to the burn unit in good condition. his home is a total loss. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. igation. our big story this hour, the looming threat of the fiscal cliff and the pressure on congress to come up with a solution. >> lawmakers have until juno 1st to come up with a fix or some worry our nation could go back into a recession -- until january 1st. >> sherry ly has more. >> reporter: for a lot of people here in the federal work force, what that means is there could be layoffs. you have the rest of the regional economy which is so dependent on the federal government. we are talking about defense contractors and everyone el who does business with the federal government. this will be the first time today that the president addresses this so-called fiscal cliff since the election. in his address from the white house, the president is expected to urge congress to come up with some sort of deal to break this impasse or risk
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plunging the country into a recession. the president and congress must broke are a -- broker a deal by the end of the year to avoid the automatic spending cuts set to take effect. without an agreement, the nation will go back into recession and unemployment will climb above 9%. the president is not expected to provide a specific plan but will pressure congress to act. leaders on both sides they say want to work together. democrats want to let tax breaks expire for the wealthiest americans. republicans oppose hiking taxes but have opened the door to finding new revenue through tax reform. >> there is an altern i have to to going over the fiscal cliff in whole or in part. it involves making real changes to the financial structure of entitlement programs and reforming our tax code to curb special interest loopholes and detuxes. >> i want to work together but i want everyone to also
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understand you can't push us around. >> reporter: the acrossed board cuts would sla as much as 10% of spending from some agencies while some entitlement programs like social security and medicaid would be exempt. congress now has seven week to get something done but realistically, there is less time than that given thanksgiving and the december holidays. if they fail, the fiscal picture for the country looks very grim. that is the latest here on capitol hill. back to you. >> back in that same spot. we got to get something done. all right. thank you. also stories, the man charged in a shooting rampage that killed six people and severely injured former congresswoman gabrielle giffords learns his fate. 24-year-old jared loughner was sentenced to seven life terms plus 140 years in federal prison. giffords was among those in the courtroom yesterday. her husband, astronaut mark kelley, read appear emotionally charged letter.
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some of the other twelve victims along with family members of those killed also spoke. seven fox 5 morning news is back in just a moment. 
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a charter bus driver charged in a deadly crash has been convicted on four counts of involuntary manslaughter. kim chung was driving to new york when the bus crashed on i- 95 in may of 2011. he faces up to 40 years in prison. also making headlines this morning, seven navy seals are accused of giving classified information to the maker of a
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video game. one of the active duty troops is reportedly a member of the group that killed osama bin laden. all seven have received nonjudicial punishment that includes having pair pay docked. washington state has become thirty stead to approve same- sex marriage by popular vote. the measure had 52% support with about four of the ballot counted. opponents of the issue conceded yesterday. washington joins maryland and maine in becoming the first state to approve same-sex marriage by public vote. an emotional moment for president obama. more on his tearful thanks to supporters. and as we go to break, congratulate yourself. you made it to friday. >> beautiful. >> that is a great shot. >> is it real? >> it is real. >> tucker says it will get better. >> you can shake off some of the coal weather pretty soon. we'll talk to talker about that when we come back.   -- we'll talk to tucker about that when we come back. 
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it's my coffee when i want it. you press a button, you have great dunkin' coffee. i got my coffee for the morning, i got my dunkin' k-cup packs for the rest of the day. only available at dunkin' donuts restaurants. america runs on dunkin' coffee.
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i'm drinkin' a dunkin' latte. i'm in love with my dunkin' latte. it is a treat. they're packed with flavor. it's my kind of latte. try the simply delicious latte everyone can enjoy. america runs on dunkin'!
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former dnc chair says he is running for virginia governor. the 2013 campaign would be his second run for the seat. he johns a race that already includes attorney general ken cuccinelli and lieutenant governor bill bowling, both republicans. an emotional moment for president obama at the end of a very long run. wednesday, while thanking the staff at his campaign headquarters in chicago, he cried. >> what you guys have down proves that the work that i'm doing is important. i'm really proud of that. i'm really proud and -- [applause] >> in counting the popular vote, president obama beat mitt romney by about three million ballots cast. the romney camp was reportedly shocked on election night as returns came n a senior advisor
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tells cbs news they were confident they were going to win. romney was described as stoic when he conceded the race to the president in a phone call. back to the president crying, i got to imagine the stress of that race and going through all of that and then you just are at that moment where you're so thankful for the support and everything. i can imagine it would make you want to cry too. >> i allot of hard work. >> not a job that i would ever want. >> no. >> all right. your job is not too difficult today. you have good news. >> this is an easy one. we have warmer temperature on the way. it is chilly out there this morning. overnight lows back in the 30s. we are in the low 40s here in town. here is your big headline. warmer temperatures on the way. later this afternoon, we'll kick it off with mid-50s and then 60s around here for the weekend. saturday, sunday, monday look great. here are your current temperatures. overnight, lots of clear skies contributing to some very cold temperatures and we've fallen back into the 30s even here in
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washington. we are 39-degree. that is our coolest temperature yet this morning. 40 in quantico. few spots getting below freezing this morning. culpeper, you are one of them. winchester, now 34 degrees. 37 in baltimore. should warm up into the mid- 50s. should be a really nice-looking day. the reason why, lots of sunshine. winds yesterday were out of the north and west and they were gusting about 25 to 30. today, we are not going to be dealing with much wind. our storm system from yesterday, get out of your way, there it is, to the east of boston out of here and high pressure will build through the region. we'll have a nice couple of days across the area. as that area of high pressure moves overhead today gets a little bit south and east of us tomorrow, our wind will shift out of the south and west and that will allow temperatures to warm up around here for the first time this month. we'll have temperatures in the 60s tomorrow. 57 today, good looking day. less wind than yesterday. still a little breezy at times. plenty of sunshine but otherwise a nice-looking day. going to be cold overnight with
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temperatures back in the 30s and low 40s. there you go, saturday, sunday, monday, mid- to upper 60s. i think we'll get awfully close to 70 on veterans day on sunday. our next chance for rain showers doesn't arrive until tuesday. let's see if julie can do her part and get the latest. >> not i allot happening right now out on 66. our crew in sky fox still hovering coming east. the lanes are open, no accidents to report continuing eastbound working your way into centreville. lanes are are open leaving fair oaks. earlier problem we had southbound on the gw parkway at 123 has cleared. taking it inside so we can show you the ride northbound along i- 95. checking for an incident in the main line before you reach newington. definitely got the slowdowns here. got to map out in problems for you now. southbound along 270, heavy and slow, that is how she rolls as
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you continue southbound. about and 18-machine ride right now. pace definitely improving continuing out of germantown and headed out towards gaithersburg. no problems on the beltway between college park and bethesda. metro's orange-blue line now single tracking between federal triangle and federal center. allow additional time for metro's blue-orange line. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. a teenager is under arrest for the brutal attack and robbery afterren # 1-year-old woman in her northwest d.c. home. it happened wednesday afternoon along mckinley street. police say a masked man broke into the house through a back window, punched the victim in the face and head and took an apple computer. -- and robby of an 81-year-old woman in her northwest d.c.
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home. school chancellor kaya henderson says there is a crisis with fruitancey. >> i think we need to inspire parents to get serious about t once the judicial system is engaged, the parents start to understand this personal consequences. i would go the route of community service first, probation. >> henderson says efforts are made to address truancy. amazon adds something new for customers just in time for the holidays. >> as we go gogh to break, he was a candidate who -- as we go to break, he was a candidate who wasn't afraid to get catty. hank was a write-in candidate
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running on the platform of jobs, spay and neuter programs. >> he is so cute. >> but 6,000 people wrote him in, a cat in. >> that cat right there. an animal. >> he engages people. ♪
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♪ we're lucky, it's not every day you find a companion as loyal as a subaru. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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welcome back. amazon adds something new just in time for the holidays. we'll have more on that in a minute. let's take a look at the market. lauren simonetti is live in new york with the business beat. good morning. >> good morning. i think the stock market needs some of the rain wine -- that amazon is now selling. the dow is down and down again this morning, off 35 points right now. it has been a steep wave of selling this week. in fact, it is the worst two- day loss we've seen all year. >> is this due to the fiscal
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cliff or things going on in europe or a combination of the two? >> it's combination but mostly the former. fiscal cliff is what everyone is on edge about right now. >> let's sees our nerves with a glass of wine that you were mentioning. amazon apparently getting into the wipe business just in time for the holidays. >> this could be a booming business for amazon. the a huge market if they can do it the right way. starting today, in 12 states including washington, d.c., california, florida, oregon, illinois, nevada. , you can buy wine through amazon. can you ship six bottles. a whole bunch of different ranges. there is information on the site such as what you should pair the wine with and information from the vendors. >> amazon getting all fancy. >> yeah. i know. it will be challenging for them
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though because people would really love wine, they have that acquired taste. don't know if amazon can be classy enough for them. but great for the folk who like the $10 bottles. >> you can order it, it comes right to your door. how easy is that. >> i've been known to buy a $7 bottle before. >> how dare you? >> the box is fine. >> hey, when desperate time call for desperate measures, sometimes you got to go for the box of wine. see you later. have a great weekend. >> coming up. president obama faces the fiscal cliff as we were just talking about. republicans and democrats agreeing to work together to avoid dramatic cuts that could impact everything from the defense budget to your paycheck but that agreement has to happen soon. also ahead, a setback for recovery efforts in new york and new jersey as more gas rationing takes effect this morning. we'll be right back. alright let's break it down.
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mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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people up in new york city are fuming after finding a fema mobile office closed due to bad weather. it is on staten island where people are struggling without power, food or water right now. volunteers organized their open disaster relief on facebook gathering food and clothes for disaster victims. the mobile office is back open this morning but was closed because of the snow from this week's nor'easter. the head of fema said he closed it to save satellite equipment. gas ragging started this morning in new york city and long island. today, drivers can only buy gas if their license plates end in an odd number. tomorrow, drivers with tags ending in an even number can fill up. it is because of the power outages. only a quarter of the gas stayings in new york city are operating leading to more long lines. >> it is just amazing to me. you feel like that whole area just has not been able to
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really make much improvement. i a sure there has been some improvement but you just hear about this. >> it didn't help to get the second storm. weather will cooperate now. >> may melt some of of the snow? >> the snow should be gone by sunday, monday. they won't be as warm as we are but we have a great looking weekend to look forward to around here. it will be cold out this morning. let's so you the satellite- radar and get right to it. our storm from yesterday off the eastern seaboard. you can watch the last frames there. lots of clear skies. we showed you a live shot a few minutes ago. it will be a beautiful day around here. bright sunshine for much of the day. less wind than yesterday and it will still be cool but i think it will feel a little bit better than it has with highs in the mid- to upper 50s later this affect. 39 in washington. 37 in morning in new york city. and below freezing out to the
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west. 28 in pittsburgh. we've got temperatures close to freezing around here too. here is your forecast for today. we'll show you another satellite picture and it features the same cloud cover as the last satellite picture. here is your forecast for the day. 57 in washington. 55 in leonardtown. 52 in hagerstown. heading the right direction. 60s this weekend. i'll have details on that and a good ask tony and tucker question in just a couple of minutes. >> good. can you give me a little hint? >> it is about the upcoming holiday. >> we all like to talk about holidays. >> is it a happy question? >> yeah. >> okay. >> let's check in with julie now. >> metro's orange blue line experiencing delays right now. they are single tracking because of an earlier disabled train outside of the smithsonian. what you will find is additional time traveling between federal triangle and federal center. traveling northbound i-95, as you work your way north of the fairfax county parkway and
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continuing up toward the franconia springfield parkway, that is where we have reports of accident activity tying up to left side of the road. 395 is in good shape no problems to report leaving the beltway to the 14th street bridge. again with the slow crawl south of 109 headed out towards the scales. traffic looking pretty good out of germantown headed out towards the split. split. >> thank you. just a few days into his re- election, president obama is facing the looming fiscal cliff. >> the deadline for a solution is january 1st if congress does not agree on fix the problem by then, bush era tax cuts will expire and automatic spending cuts will go into effect. president obama will address members of congress today. he is expected to urge them to work against party lines in order to avoid another recession. experts warn, if nothing is done, the u.s. could see catastrophic results. >> the good news is, thank god, people are living a heck of a
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lot longer. that is great news. but it isn't very good news for the treasury. >> at some point, the financial markets could react. our debt could be downgraded by the rating agencies. interest rates could spike. the stock market could tumble. >> if no resolution is reached, government agencies could see as much as a 10% deduction in their budgets. medicaid and social security would be exempt. the battle for budget autonomy in d.c. will be the focus of a hearing this morning. as it stands right now, the district has to get congress to approve the way it spends its local tax dollars. form d.c. mayor anthony williams and tom davis of virginia are among those testifying in favor of more autonomy at today's hearing. an investigationings under way at an all-male college in virginia over an incident that happened late on he other legislation night. the president of ham son sydney college says about 40 students
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gathered near the minority student union's house after the race had been called for president obama. the students set off fireworks and broke bottles and then shouted racial slurs at member of the minority student union. they threatened physical harm but nothing happened apparently out of that. 300 students came to a up to hall meeting the following night to discuss the incident. -- a town hall meeting the following night to discuss the incident. big introduce for d.c. united. they have advanced to the eastern conference finals in the mls playoffs. they beat the new york red bulls last night 1-0. and big news for the nats too. last night, three players took home baseball's silver slugger award. they were all first time win he's. the montgomery is up for the manager of the year award. honor will be handed out next week and by then, he likely will have a new contract with
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the nats. johnson led the team to 98 wins and a division title. two big screen heroes come to the movies this weekend. we'll have much more on the anticipated release of skyfall and lincoln. 
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movie reviewer, kevin mccarthy, 106.7 the fan, here to talk about the new releases this weekend. we have lincoln and skyfall. late start with skyfall. >> let's start with the handshake first. the most important part. >> let's talk about daniel craig and 007. >> this is the most complete james bond film i have ever
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seen. i am not saying that it is the best. 3 films now. it is the longest running continual series of all time and it is 50 years. there has been so many of these films. dan yell craig took on the role with casino royale and he made the awful quantum of solace. the action was so in coherent and edited so poorly but now sam mendez takes over and he does a masterful job. you get into the history of who this guy really is. it is a film on the surface. the deal is that javier bardem is a character and he wants revenge on mi-6 and he wants to kill m. james bond steps in. this is something that i feel like people need to know as viewers. when you are seeing a film in imax, you want to seat movie
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when it is shot in imax. this movie was not shot in imax at all. as you can see here on the screen, look at the right. that is a normal movie theater where you will see james bond loa., it is a slightly larger image. you get 26% more of the image but all they are doing is making the aspect ratio taller. you are getting a little bit more windshield and a little bit more thumb. if you think it is worth $3 or $4, go ahead and go that route. the movie itself, the action is incredible. beautifully shot. i think javier bardem deserves an academy award for his villainous role. daniel craig is amazing. the i love when he checks his suit after an action scene. >> that is a little bit much. >> that is awesome. >> that is what i would do. if i was like shooting people, i would be like got to make
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sure my suit is good. little so awesome. the movie is one of the best films of year a bond film has never been nominated for best picture or an actor in the academy awards. i feel like this deserves a best picture nomination and a best supporting actor. i know it sounds crazy but it transcends the bond genre. like the dark knight. people who weren't superhero fans could watch the dark knight and love it. loved it. four and a half out of five. >> you got something with daniel craig. >> i sat down with daniel craig and javier bardem and dame judy dench. we'll have the exclusive interview here on fox 5 at 8:45 this morning. there is me and daniel craig having a laugh. i think he is making fun of me there. i'm not sure what is happening
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james bond and i sit down. i think i'm taking over bond in the next one. >> i want to be a bad guy. >> wait until you see javier bardem. he rides that line of quirky and evil. >> let's talk about lincoln. this is a movie clearly about abraham lincoln. >> this is arguably the greatest director of all time steven spielberg with arguably the greatest actor, daniel day lewis. the trailer leads you to believe that it will be an epic masterpiece. and spielberg, it is not on that level but it is still a spielberg film and you have one of most incredible performances from an actor you've seen in a long time. daniel craig had nothing to work with when it came to lincoln's voice. there is no known recordings of lincoln's voice. he researched and found out he had a high-pitched voice. he went with that. in the movie, it take place over last four months of
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lincoln's life while he is trying to abolish slavery. spielberg has that amazing direction where he is able to allow to engage in a story that you know the ending to and still feel on the end of your seat. >> some of this was shot in richmond. >> yes. that is correct. it starts off slow. i didn't like how spielberg put seattle cards over the characters in certain scenes. as we get to the end and we're dealing with being in the house of representatives, it gets intense. and daniel day lewis is intense. i think he will be nominated for an academy award inform that list will be john hawke for the second-degrees, den el for flight. lots of strong performances this year.
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-- denzel for flight. next week, we have the cast of twilight. >> don't forget, and follow me on twitter. thank you very much for having me every week. i love being here. >> thank you. back to you. >> thank you. we have some breaking news for bring to you right now from downtown washington. d.c. police are in the area around 18th and m streets northwest. it is believed three suspects were involved in this. investigators say at least one had a gun. one shot was fired but fortunately no one was hit. we'll continue for follow this story throughout the morning hours. let's check in now with tucker barnes and get the latest on our weather. >> cold temperature to start your day. going to be a beautiful friday. we'll have high temperatures back in the mid-50s. less wind than yesterday as well. well.
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>> clear skies overnight allowing the temperature to bottom out. 37 in gaithersburg. 34 in fredericksburg. temperatures bottoming out overnight. going to be another cool one early saturday. forecast is looking up. our storm from yesterday out of here. now, i keep getting in the way of the storm. east of boston now. look at that. still very impressive sight and taking with it the cloud cover and winds. from boston and new york right down to d.c. and points south, looking great today. out toward the west, out towards chicago and cincinnati, we've got clear skies. high pressure will be building through. that will give us a relatively cool day today. this area of high pressure tomorrow and overnight starts to push south and east of us. that allows if a return flow.
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winds out of the south and west for the weekend, get ready for sunshine and 60s around here saturday, sunday and monday. i know a lot of people observing the holiday on monday. it looks great around here as we goat into the long weekend. 57 today, lots of sunshine. just a gorgeous afternoon there. winds north and west five to 10. lighter than yesterday and here is your accu-weather seven-day forecast. 65 tomorrow with ideal conditions here for november. near 70 on sunday and monday. and our next chan for rain won't arrive until tuesday with some showers. we'll be in for i -- a nice dry stretch as well. >> that is great. >> love it. >> hello, tony. >> good morning. how are you all? and good morning, effect. guess what it is time for. -- and good morning, everybody. >> it is time for ask tony and tucker. the most popular segment in morning television other than kevin mccarthy's movie reviews. this is the suggestment where
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tucker barnes and i put our big heads together to answer your most pressing questions weather- related or otherwise. today's question comes from carol cole. carol writes i am working on my bucket list. >> i saw that bucket list and i was like uh-oh. >> you want to get started early. >> one of the things on it is to march any macy's thanksgiving day parade. finally, i will be doing that this year. they told us to dress if layers. can you guys please tell me how many layers i will need. that is rather specific information. carol, i have been to the new york thanksgiving parade many times and it is wonderful anden should to it at least once. i've never marched in it but observed t i used to cover it when i was at another station. man, it is usually cold. it is usually really, really
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cold. and i would wear like three or four layers. however, i don't know what the forecast is for this year. but you know who does? tucker barnes. >> before we start that, let me say. this is what you call a long- range forecast. so i'm not going to guarantee this one. we're still like two weeks out. but i have done a little research and typically for thanksgiving, the average temperature is in the low 50s in new york city. so with an average high temperature in the low 50s and overinto the hose in the 30s, if you are getting up early and it is still dark out, you are likely to be on the cool side. i'll go with four layers early. by 9:00, 10:00 in the morning, temperatures in the 40s, typically, this is a wind, wouldn't you say or a bit of a breeze. >> seems like it is usually breezy. >> particularly along the avenues and between the buildings, it seems like it is always windy. >> the wind picks up. >> so i'll stick with the four lays are right there as well. >> that is snoopy, my favorite one. >> focus. >> focus.
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>> i mean are you even listening to me anymore? i've done some research with long-term forecasting. it is suggesting we'll have a built of what we call zonal flow. that is west to east. nothing too extreme this thanksgiving. my forecast is for temperatures to be a little above normal, mid-50s, partial sunshine with no rain on thanksgiving day in new york. >> now, remember that is a long- range forecast. >> i could get that totally wrong. >> you said it with confidence though. >> i say everything with confidence. >> the days when it is nice on a thanksgiving, it is fan taft in. >> i'm sure there are a lot of people there. but is it like crowded along the route? >> i have avenue gone up for the christmas tree lighting and it was up believably cold and crowded. i'll never do that again. -- it was unbelievably cold and crowded. >> it's long route. we tend to focus on what you see on tv but it is a long route so you can stand anywhere
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along the route. >> congratulation, carol, for marching. she didn't tell us the circumstance under which he is marching. >> if she is marching, she will -- i think three layers there. >> now, we are going back to three. >> bring a fourth. >> you don't bring a fourth. you wear the fourth and you peel it off. >> she's going to need to carry a suitcase. >> have fun, carol. let us know. >> take some pictures and get them to us. >> and some video maybe. if you have a question you want answered, all you need to do is go to and click on the weather tab. >> that sounds like your typical parade holiday music. >> let's check in with julie wright who always has christmas music going in her head.
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you are just happy all the time and -- oh! >> oh! >> another prop. >> it was for the parade. >> and -- >> i love both of them. >> you are always teasing me about we never go to lunch. you bring those two, we'll go to lunch. >> it just so happens i don't have anything planned today. are you free, snoopy? >> i didn't say today. >> let's get to the crew in sky fox. let's check out this drive. northbound on i-95 headed up to the franconia springfield parkway, that is where we had the accident activity. lanes are now open with the accident over on the shoulder. lanes are open but a big back upleaving the prince william parkway out of woodbridge up to the springfield interchange. our own dave rysak bringing you live pictures of the scene from this ongoing investigation. 1ing on the street northbound remains blocked off for this ongoing investigation. a lot of police activity here trying up the roadway here. no once able to get by in northwest. keep this in mind if this is
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your travel into downtown. we'll pop this up on the map so we'll take it back inside. below speed at 35 miles per hour coming in towards urban a the pace slowing again as you work your way out of hyattstown and by the time you reach rockville, well above speed at 56 miles per hour headed southbound out towards the split. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. >> thank you. well twihards assemble in los angeles. fans of the franchise are alreadyening out for the black carpet premiere next week. fans of all ages have formed a tent city. organizers say more than 2,000 people preregistered for monday's premiere. what does pope benedict have to do with stars including lady gaga and kim kardashian. not anything at all except soon, he will be on twitter. no details yet on the twitter handle. pope sent his first tweet last year from a vatican account. this one will be a personal
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account but will likely be tweets written in his name that he approved. you're not going to accepted it out there for the people to decide what his twitter handle should be. >> i think i have to get someone to tweet for me. >> tweeting for you? i can do that. >> taking their talent to the top. >> holly is stepping out with the quince orchard high school marching band to find out how they landed in the national spotlight. this is great. s grea t. we'll be right back.
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hey! hey, baby. [ starts car ] were you eating smoked sausage in here? no! no. could have gotten me one. i did. try the unmistakable flavor of dunkin' donuts' smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. it's deliciously irresistible. hurry in today. the smoked sausage breakfast sandwich is only at dunkin' donuts for a limited time. grab one today. cool. you found it. wow. nice place. yeah. [ chuckles ] the family thinks i'm out shipping these. smooth move. you used priority mail flat rate boxes. if it fits, it ships for a low, flat rate.
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paid for postage online and arranged a free pickup. and i'm gonna track them online, too. nice. between those boxes and this place, i'm totally staying sane this year. do i smell snickerdoodles? maybe. [ timer dings ] got to go. priority mail flat rate boxes. online pricing starts at $5.15. only from the postal service.
6:57 am
>> reporter: good morning, everybody. i'm holly morris. we are running out the -- rounding out the week on a musical high note. it is with great pleasure i introduce to you the maryland
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state marching band champs, the quince orchard marching accusing afters! ♪ >> reporter: cougars. they won best visual, best guard, best percussion. so this morning we're giving them their spotlight. we're going to talk with the band leader and the drum major and check in with some of the students and find out what it's like to be on the field and how they all work together in precision. then if i'm lucky they say i might be able to put on a band uniform. i think it will be the perfect way to end out the week. >> remember, more cow bells. they can give you the cow bells. >> reporter: that's on my resume. i'll tell them. >> were you in the band? >> i played the trumpet. >> all right. you know what's going on. >> i know a little bit about
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what's going on. >> time to say hello to our fan of the day. it's katherine fisher. she says she's been watching since she was a kid. she was watching on snow days hoping to see her school pop up on the screen. now she does that with her own children. thank you very much for watching. and have a great day. >> congratulations. that does it for the 6:00 hour. >> now over to tony and allison. happy friday. >> happy friday. that's a high note. hold up for a second. coming up, we have breaking news from downtown d.c. and an armed robbery that happened within the last hour that could impact your ride to work. >> plus, looming tax hikes and spending cuts. president obama ups the ante on congress today as we head closer to the so-called fiscal cliff. we've got a live report from capitol hill straight ahead. >> a special tribute to the


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